The Diesing's Guestbook

Please sign our guestbook and let us know what you think!

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July 22nd 2007
09:26:05 AM
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February 20th 2007
04:17:02 PM
Who are you?  

Greg Robinson

How are things with you?  

Family's great. I'm healing from skiing accident with work. Broke my Leg. :-)

What do you think of our site?  

Congratulations on a new family member! You guys look great! Vicki looks normal; no one would guess she'd just had a baby. Ashlyn looks like her mom, and Reagan looks like she'll be a wonderful big sister. We love you all.
May God bless and keep you all safe, happy and well.

February 11th 2007
10:23:08 PM
Who are you?  

Alisa Cain

How are things with you?  


What do you think of our site?  

Hey Vicki,
The baby is beautiful and Reagan too. I need your address and contact information because my cell phone broke. I was so happy to recieve the e-mail because I was wondering about the new little one but no way to contact you all. I am waiting to see if I got a position with the KC Royals. Would love to talk, Alisa

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September 22nd 2006
09:35:39 AM
Who are you?  

Bill and Mary Beth

How are things with you?  


What do you think of our site?  

we love your site and your beautiful Family. God Bless you all and that new baby on the way. congratulations

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December 13th 2005
07:30:55 PM
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May 31st 2005
10:56:24 AM
Who are you?  

Jeff Osborne

How are things with you?  

Excited to find you!

What do you think of our site?  

Greetings fellow AVHS Alum! Its great to find you. Have been wondering what happened to you and Kendra. I can see things have really worked out great for you and your beautiful family. Pass my email address onto Kendra and you guys email me so we can get caught up. Tell her theres no Hilary around so she won't have to fret anymore fire alarms. And one more thing...War Eagle!

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January 4th 2005
01:42:40 PM
Who are you?  

Jeff Earnest

How are things with you?  

Absolutely Wonderful ---

What do you think of our site?  

Great site, the Letterboxing looks suspiciously similar to GeoCaching, that great American GPS sport. Du, sorry I missed you in Baghdad...

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December 24th 2004
09:11:44 AM
Who are you?  

Rob, Marisa, Noah, Luke and Elizabeth Coyle

How are things with you?  

Excellent! 3 kids have kept us very busy. We are looking forward to the holidays and time with the family.

What do you think of our site?  

Thanks for sharing the stories and pictures. It allowed us to catch-up on several years. Glad to see Du is back! How times change! I remember Du sitting on the couch but with a beer not a gun! Happy Holidays and hope to see you soon!

If you ever stop through Raleigh on your world travels, please stop by! (919)556-6239,

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November 1st 2004
10:29:07 AM
Who are you?  

Ron & Pat

How are things with you?  

Just back from Florida home and Aidan

What do you think of our site?  

Of course we always enjoy your site. Came back to New Mexico and SNOW! Now for sure - back to Florida (and hurricanes) Take care and keep us updated. Ron

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October 27th 2004
09:09:18 PM
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