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temporary work assignment?

Thank you for your informative website.
I took a job in a different state, but realized quickly that I wanted to relocate back to my home area. Found another job in my desired area and will start in a couple of months. My question is whether or not I can count the expenses incurred with the 'temporary' job (rent, utilities, travel expenses, etc.) as deductions. I will only have been at the job for 6 months when I leave for the new position.

Re: temporary work assignment?

Alas, the requirement for the temporary job assignment deduction is intent as of the time you took the job. So it appears you moved there for an indefinite period of time, not in connection with a job that was going to last for a year or less.

If you can somehow substantiate that your intent was just to work at this city for less than a year, and then to return back to your original city, then you might have yourself a deduction.

Zip Code: 01801