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The MDTAXES Network is an affiliation of CPAs that specialize in the tax planning and preparation for young health care professionals.  Please leave your questions or comments for our CPAs, who visit the message board regularly, or review the answers, suggestions and ideas posted in response to your colleagues' questions.

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Please note: We are NOT affiliated with the Maryland Tax Department. If you're looking for information about Maryland income taxes, go to www.marylandtaxes.com.

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if you have been filing married and joint return can i file single this year...

Zip Code: 21220

Re: filingstautes

Your marital status as of 12/31 determines your filing status. So if you were legally married when the ball dropped at midnight in Times Square, you can not file as a single individual. You will file using the status Married Filing Jointly or Married Filing Separately.

If you have been separated from your spouse for at least the 2nd half of the year, and you have kids at home, you might be eligible to file as Head of Household.

I hope this answers your question.

Zip Code: 01801