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The MDTAXES Network is an affiliation of CPAs that specialize in the tax planning and preparation for young health care professionals.  Please leave your questions or comments for our CPAs, who visit the message board regularly, or review the answers, suggestions and ideas posted in response to your colleagues' questions.

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moonlighting as a resident, got w-2s

i am a final yr resident moonlighting on the side. my moonlighting income from 3 seperate state hospitals are w-2 forms ( sstax and federal taxes are taken out).
i recently filed my taxes through turbo tax, and it is now the first yr where i owe money.
i am quite confused, what are the ways i can make deductions from this money?

Zip Code: 24018

Re: moonlighting as a resident, got w-2s

Here is the problem - the W-4 form doesn't work. I wrote about this exact problem in an article a few years ago called "Memo to Moonlighters" available at

Watch Your Withholdings

Even if taxes are being withheld from your moonlighting income, don't automatically assume that enough taxes are being taken out. That's because each employer withholds taxes as if they are your only employer.

Let's say you earn $20,000 from three employers during the year. The amount of federal income taxes withheld from your pay will be significantly less than if you had earned $60,000 from just one employer.

To make matters worse, if you tell your employer you're married, they withhold even less taxes, since the withholding tables for a married person assume your spouse doesn't work.

If you moonlight and get paid as an employee, keep an eye on how much taxes are being withheld. Otherwise, you might get hit with a surprisingly large tax bill on April 15th.

Zip Code: 01801