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The MDTAXES Network is an affiliation of CPAs that specialize in the tax planning and preparation for young health care professionals.  Please leave your questions or comments for our CPAs, who visit the message board regularly, or review the answers, suggestions and ideas posted in response to your colleagues' questions.

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first job

I know you cannot itemize the cost of interviewing for residency because it is considered a "first job". Can I itemize the cost of looking for a position after residency? I assume a residency position would be considered a first physician job, but I can see how this might be questioned. Thanks for all of your help.

Zip Code: Cassiopia_@hotmail.com

Re: first job

I would say that your medical residency establishes you in the trade or business of being a physician, and would therefore allow you to deduct the costs associated with finding your next position.

I guess the IRS could question this, however, based on all the FICA refunds they are receiving from your colleagues taking the position that they are still "students" for FICA tax purposes.

Good luck with new job!

Zip Code: aschwartz@mdtaxes.com