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Sardine Burn Time

If the sardine stove has been warmed up and dampener set to low how much time could one expect on a single stoke. all recommendations met.

Theoretically speaking if EPA required vents were sealed, then how much time could one expect when the stove is running below Optimum efficiency. saw one of your posts must have been at least a year ago regarding this issue, but believe it was regarding the little cod.

reason being is i have a Bristol 27 and am tired of being limited on the time i spend in isolation due to propane. My cruising style would allow for remote wood caches. looking to maybe get around 6 hours of sleep. any advice helps.

Re: Sardine Burn Time

Best to get a good Hudson Bay blanket or down comforter as SARDINE can run for about 2-3 hrs. max. Other folks have used Idaho Energy Logs in COD and have reported 7 hrs. burn. Certainly worth a try putting one of those in when turning in for night? A/NSW

Re: Sardine Burn Time

Hi Ryan,

Did you ever end up trying the Idaho Energy Logs? If so what kind of burn time did you get in the Sardine? I'm curious about this because I'm thinking of purchasing the Sardine.
