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Lady Bankes Infant and Junior School
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Small World


Your name seems familiar to me but I can't picture you. I left Lady Bankes in 1967 and went to Bourne. I remember Mrs Lloyd and also Mrs Oswald. I have a painting here done by her husband. My mother bought it from an exhibition at RM Library some years ago. I remember Mr. Batchelor reading Rikki Tikki every year. I also remember Mr. Hilary and the way he smacked the legs. He was diabetic as some years after I left school I used to visit a Cafe in Rayners Lane for lunch. Mr. Hilary used to go in there and once had a diabetic fit and an ambulance was called. Not goo PR for the Cafe owner. I'll have to look for some of my old school photos and see who I can remember.


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Anyone remember Mrs Lloyd? She was my teacher for 2 years followed by Miss Giles. Both were well respected & I still can remember them despite leaving in 1967 to go to Vyners. Mr Thomas also taught sports & he got me going at cricket - a lot to answer for!

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Yes I remember all of those teachers Miss Evans was my favorite. Mr Batchelor was the Head white I was there. I have an old school photo with him and Miss Evans on it. I was there sometime between 1956 and 1961 then I went on to Bourne.

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Does anyone remember Mrs Oswald, Miss Williams (used to make us recite the 9 times tables every day), and Miss Evans. I remember Mr Bachelor as well - wasn't he the Head at one time ??

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Just been back to Ruislip for Easter - my sister, Mandy, knows your wife and kids. Her son Robert Mair goes to Lady Bankes and to the after school club.

Small world.

I was telling him about the separate boys and girls playgrounds, he thought I was joking.


Steve Cross sent me our class photo from 1966. Dread opening my mail now!!! LOL

I am very pleased to say I have changed!

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Mr Hilary (SP?) used to slap the tops of the legs of naughty boys, then long trousers were invented...

Is it true that he once threatend to lob himself off the tower - or was that a school myth. My kids go there now - there is carpet in there!

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I remember Mr Hillary - he was taken ill once in the canteen, I think he was diabetic.

Do you remember Nuffield French? We sat repeating sentences from a tape - didn't have a clue what we were saying!! but we made the same noises (or so we thought..........)LOL