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Geography of Cape Verde

Cape Verde is considered to be a large nation because of its total area. Its total land area is 4,033 km² (approx. 1,557 mi²). Continental shelf of Cape Verde is approximately 5,591 km² (around 2,159 mi²). Cape Verde is located in Africa. Africa is the world’s second-largest and second-most populous continent. African countries include, but are not limited to, South Africa, Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia, and Egypt. Cape Verde is not a landlocked country. It means that is is bordered by at least one major body of water. The average elevation range of Cape Verde is 1,415 m (4,639 ft).

Total length of land borders of Cape Verde is 0 kilometers (~0 miles). Cape Verde has no land borders, meaning that it also has no neighbouring countries in the traditional sense of the word.

The capital city of Cape Verde is Praia. The largest city in Cape Verde is Praia.

The average elevation range of Cape Verde is 1,415 m (4,639 ft). The highest point of Cape Verde is Mount Fogo, with its official height being 2829 m (9,282 ft). The lowest point of Cape Verde is Atlantic Ocean. The elevation difference between the highest (Mount Fogo) and lowest (Atlantic Ocean) points of Cape Verde is 2829 m (2 ft).

The total land area of Cape Verde is 4,033 km² (approx. 1,557 mi²). and the total exclusive economic zone (EEZ) is 800,561 km² (~309,097 mi²). The continental shelf of Cape Verde is approximately 5,591 km² (around 2,159 mi²). Including land mass and EEZ, the total area of Cape Verde is approximately 804,594 km² (~310,654 mi²). Cape Verde is considered to be a large nation because of its total area.

Forest and arable land
840 km² of Cape Verde's territory is covered in forests, and forest land comprises 21% of all the land in the country. There are 460 km² of arable land in Cape Verde, and it comprises 11% of the country's total territory.