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Pacific Northwest Cavalry Reenacting

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Pacific Northwest Cavalry Reenacting
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Re: Re: Re: Chairs and Tables for sale

Of varmints and vermen, have you seen the vermin in the Texan's camp??? They would chew up and spit out our gentlemanly vermin from Virginia with no thought to etiquette or fancy manners! Now General Meade on the other hand... hmmm that is a good idea. Who wishes to volunteer for scouting duty and is capable of carrying the god-forsaken chair?

As for Corporal Rickets, I think he may have earned a new name.

Capt. Ahearn

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Replying to:

My dear Captain, while I agree heartily with the burning of that abomination, I urge you to reconsider. Have you not given due thought to the lice and other vermen which inhabit the rickety old structure (here I speak of the chair, not the good corporal, though I am sure they are often confused)? I hardly think we wish to have those creatures crawling amongst OUR tents! Perhaps we should simply transplant the chair to a place where they pests would feel so at home they would stay, and not allow the thing to be removed. I heartily suggest the Texans.....

Most respectfully,

Clifford Self

Re: Re: Re: Re: Chairs and Tables for sale


If I may suggest, I would be willing to volunteer for ANY duty that might aid Corporal "Rickets" in delivering ANY discomfort to the *cough* good General Meade...I will NOT however volunteer to carry the chair.
Perhaps we may locate a suitable proxy for the general at Ft. Stevens in the person of another Federal Officer...
No, not Ken...
Your Obdt. Svt.
Stealth Corporal Sturman

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Chairs and Tables for sale


I suggest immediate dispatch of a letter to Richmond, and the proper authorities, regarding our new weapon. Mass production of these chairs, when distributed to the enemy (and after a short period of use by the good corporal), could prove most beneficial to our cause. Corporal Rickets would appear to be invaluable in this operation (as without him the chairs are nothing but an added weight to the mules) and should be protected at all costs. The many stenches and vermin which may be found surrounding him just may be the key to our independence.

The respectful opinion of a lowly and content trooper.