National Mining Memorabilia Association Web Forum

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Mining Checks, Tallies, Tokens & Medals
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anybody had any feedback or pics of the 20k mining collection up for sale on ebay by "collierycheck" or is this guy a dreamer.


COLLIERYCHECK has been around as a genuine collector for many years and has built and sold good collections. But there is no "awareness" of him putting together a sizeable Welsh collection in recent years, so it could be on behalf of another. However neither I, nor any of the other collectors I know, have had a response with details or pictures of this collection from him. £20,000 is a fair amount for 300 checks, unless there are quite a few rare ones in there. Common checks are not fetching much and those that were £100-150 checks three years ago are now £20-30 checks at the moment. only a very few special ones are fetching decent money. And putting a lot of rare ones up at once would soak up the available money in the market place, quickly; thereby bringing the average price down - supply and demand and all that!!
But as they say - time will tell.