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The MDTAXES Network is an affiliation of CPAs that specialize in the tax planning and preparation for young health care professionals.  Please leave your questions or comments for our CPAs, who visit the message board regularly, or review the answers, suggestions and ideas posted in response to your colleagues' questions.

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Please note: We are NOT affiliated with the Maryland Tax Department. If you're looking for information about Maryland income taxes, go to www.marylandtaxes.com.

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Re: Just out of residency -- need help looking for an accountant

You're right that you want to find an accountant who is experienced dealing with the tax and accounting issues that affect you.

On our site, we have a directory of CPAs who provide tax and accounting services to many other young health care professionals. You can find that directory at www.mdtaxes.com/offices.html.

There is a big difference between CPAs, EAs, and accountants. CPAs need to pass a comprehensive exam as well as work in public accounting for a few years, before becoming a CPA. Enrolled Agents (EAs) only need to pass an exam on income taxes. As far as I know, there is no minimum education or experience requirement. And anyone can hold themselves out to be an accountant.

I think you're smart to interview a few CPA firms before making your decision. Ask them how many other practices they have as clients, what type services they provide to those clients, and an idea of what their fees will be. You should also ask for references, and give those references a call.

Good luck with your new practice!

Zip Code: cpa@mdtaxes.com