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The MDTAXES Network is an affiliation of CPAs that specialize in the tax planning and preparation for young health care professionals.  Please leave your questions or comments for our CPAs, who visit the message board regularly, or review the answers, suggestions and ideas posted in response to your colleagues' questions.

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private school and uniforms

Can I deduct my childrens tuition or uniform expense ,they attend a private school?

Zip Code: eseay112jr6@aol.com

Re: private school and uniforms

I'm not aware of any federal tax deduction you can claim for costs associated with sending your children to private schools. Perhaps there is a deduction allowed by your state.

If you children are under the age of 13, and you pay for an after-school program so you can work, those costs could be counted as dependent care expenses, which could provide you with a tax break.

And if you have money in an Education Savings Account, you can withdraw money tax-free for private school tuition.

Zip Code: cpa@mdtaxes.com