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divorced parent claiming child

I have 2 children. One I claim and one my ex claims on taxes. Last year he claimed both of the children. I also claimed the one child. Now there is a discrepancy, and he claims that because he had her on his health ins. that he has to claim her. Well, I have her on my health ins also. I have custody of the one child he has custody of the other child. He picked her up on his ins. only because I lost my job for 4 months out of the year. Now for this year i let him pick her up on the ins. Does he have a right to claim her then for this year and can his health insurance drop her if he doesn't claim her in the future.

Zip Code: dedeeyes11@yahoo.com

Re: divorced parent claiming child

Which spouse can claim which child is generally spelled out very precisely in your divorce decree. Take a few minutes to review all that legal paperwork you signed as part of the divorce.

The IRS will definitely not allow you and your spouse to both claim an exemption on behalf of the same child.

If you receive a notice from the IRS disallowing the exemption you claimed, send them back a short response explaining why you're eligible to claim that child as a dependent on your tax return, and include a copy of that specific clause from your divorce decree. Believe it or not, the IRS does try to get things right.

Zip Code: cpa@mdtaxes.com