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The MDTAXES Network is an affiliation of CPAs that specialize in the tax planning and preparation for young health care professionals.  Please leave your questions or comments for our CPAs, who visit the message board regularly, or review the answers, suggestions and ideas posted in response to your colleagues' questions.

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Please note: We are NOT affiliated with the Maryland Tax Department. If you're looking for information about Maryland income taxes, go to www.marylandtaxes.com.

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out of country CME

There is a CME class I would like to take in Canada. Will I be able to deduct an out-of-country CME class the same way I would deduct a class in the US? Thanks!

Zip Code: Cassiopia_@hotmail.com

Re: out of country CME

Here are the rules:

Travel Outside the U.S.

The threshold for international travel is much higher [than for domestic travel]. To be deductible, your trip must be entirely devoted to your business activities. Fortunately, there are a few loopholes which makes it easier to deduct your foreign travel. If the trip was for a week or less, or you spent at least three-quarters of the time working, that's good enough in the eyes of the IRS.

Here's another hint. When traveling abroad, make sure to work the day after arriving and the day prior to departing. By doing so, your travel days count as business days.

We wrote about this in our September, 2004 newsletter
available at http://www.mdtaxes.com/news0904.thml.

Enjoy your course!!

Zip Code: cpa@mdtaxes.com