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Transitional intern = temporary assignment deduction?


First, thanks to those who answer the questions on this forum... it has been a great help. I have a question that I couldn't find the answer to...

I graduated medical school in 2003 in California and am under contract to return to California to start radiology residency in July 2004. However, for the interim year I am working as a transitional intern in New York.

A friend in a similar situation has an accountant who deducted rent and food for the the time period he was away for internship, claiming it as a temporary job assignment. It does seem to meet the requirements of being for a specific length of time; that time is one year or less; and I intend to return to my original home once the temporary assignment is completed.

Is this deduction legitimate? It sure would save me a lot of money.

Thanks for your expertise.

Re: Transitional intern = temporary assignment deduction?

I would say that you're not entitled to this deduction. That's because your first job is in NY.

If you were working in CA, then worked for a year or less in NY, with the intent of returning to CA, then all of your travel, lodging, and 50% of your meals would be deductible.

Zip Code: cpa@mdtaxes.com