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kitykity's Javascript Photo Album Discussion Board

This forum is for users to ask questions or each other, swap ideas, and for kitykity to post information on the javascript photo album!

kitykity's Javascript Photo Album Discussion Board
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some issue with netscape 7


I am using your latest jscript, and i am having an issue within netscape.

IE works fine.

In netscape 7.x as I scroll down the photos; the information text associated witht the fisrt photo appears with ALL the other photos. The other photos do not have their own text info.

Also, in NN7, the page was last updated is shown as 1 Jan 1970! haha

everything is perfect in ie6.


Re: some issue with netscape 7

That's really strange! Thank you for bringing up the question. Over the past couple of years I have tried (on and off) to get the photo album to work with Netscape. But no matter how hard I try, there's always at least one Netscape version that barfs on the album! If anyone here is really good with Netscape, I would be thrilled if you could help... but other than that, I honestly know Internet Explorer much better.

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Replying to:


I am using your latest jscript, and i am having an issue within netscape.

IE works fine.

In netscape 7.x as I scroll down the photos; the information text associated witht the fisrt photo appears with ALL the other photos. The other photos do not have their own text info.

Also, in NN7, the page was last updated is shown as 1 Jan 1970! haha

everything is perfect in ie6.


Re: some issue with netscape 7

The same thing happens in NN 6.2.

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Replying to:


I am using your latest jscript, and i am having an issue within netscape.

IE works fine.

In netscape 7.x as I scroll down the photos; the information text associated witht the fisrt photo appears with ALL the other photos. The other photos do not have their own text info.

Also, in NN7, the page was last updated is shown as 1 Jan 1970! haha

everything is perfect in ie6.
