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Stop Child Abuse Forum

We here at Desiree Is Hope want you to always feel free to talk about issues involved in child abuse in some way. This web site is dedicated to stopping child abuse and helping those who endured child abuse in any form to begin or continue healing. We want you to feel safe in talking here in this forum.

Stop Child Abuse Forum
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I was abused as a child

I don't understand how people that abuse children can adopt them ! Doesn't the agency investigate people before turning over these poor helpless little children to them ? My situation was different it was my blood relatives that abused me , I told but no one believed me ... I have low self esteem and sexual problems I will admit but NOT INVOLVING ANY CHILDREN !! I don't buy the horse **** for sexually abusing children because you were abused as a child , you know how it feels to be that helpless so WHY would you put another child through that ??? Why does our laws allow REPEAT offenders to go free and ruin more lives ? Give them the death penalty so no more children have to suffer at their hands . I just read an article about these people who got a poor little boy off of the internet because the adopted mother couldn't stand him anymore ... that is beyond sad and sick ! She gave this poor child to strangers and I guess it is a regular site , I tried to access it to give them a piece of my mind . What has happened to our society ? I am disgusted with everyone that has the power to help children and abuses them instead .