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We here at Desiree Is Hope want you to always feel free to talk about issues involved in child abuse in some way. This web site is dedicated to stopping child abuse and helping those who endured child abuse in any form to begin or continue healing. We want you to feel safe in talking here in this forum.

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Boy Abused In Satanic Rituals

According to reports, following a Rutherford County grand jury meeting, more charges have been brought against a woman whose son was abused by her boyfriend, in what police allege was part of a satanic ritual. Elizabeth Hoagland was charged with failure to protect, but police allegedly uncovered evidence which indicated that she knew more about the abuse than she had  reported. Hoagland’s 5 year old son, had to be treated for multiple injuries, including kidney contusions and a lacerated liver and
she has now been charged with child abuse in addition to aggravated assault.

Hoagland’s boyfriend, John David Lotts Jr., had been charged with aggravated child abuse of a child under 8, but now faces charges of perjury and violation of the sex offender registry, which does not permit offenders to live in households with unrelated children. Reportedly, when Lotts was arrested, he admitted to being a member of the Church of Satan, but denied any connection between his faith and the abuse he inflicted on the child, however, according to police reports, Lotts abused the child in several Satanic rituals. Reportedly, the child has been placed with the Tennessee Department of Children's Services.

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