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We here at Desiree Is Hope want you to always feel free to talk about issues involved in child abuse in some way. This web site is dedicated to stopping child abuse and helping those who endured child abuse in any form to begin or continue healing. We want you to feel safe in talking here in this forum.

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Seeking funding for short film on child abuse

Firstly allow me to appologise if this post is not allowed. and feel free to delete it. however this is in regards to child abuse and the effects of it.

My name is keith appleby, i am a mature student currently in the process of making a short film on child abuse and i need your help. please see below


Life is the harrowingly tragic tale of Kevin. A seventeen year old male, brought up in a world of abuse and neglect at the hands of his father as well as other family members, and his never ending attempts at escaping the life he has been born into.
Set in the late 1990's, it provides an insight into child abuse, and the effects that certain actions can have on the venerable minds of children. Told from the Kevin's point of view, we get a clear understanding of the world from his position within it.
Kevin relays his life to us from the front seat of his father's car, whilst being pursued by several police vehicles along country lanes. Using flashbacks with a mixture of first person and third person views, we get to experience each individual memory as he relives them. This will give the viewers the ability to understand Kevin and to actually feel something for him. Which in turn results in a greater impact at the end of the film.
Shortly before the end of the movie, we find out why the police are chasing Kevin. The film will give the audience the idea, that Kevin has taken revenge on his father, however, something completely different takes place.
At the end of the film, Kevin finally realises that his only chance of escaping his torment, is through suicide, and as a result deliberately crashes the car, killing himself.

'Life' was conceived on memories from my own past. Each of the flashbacks replays one particular section of my life. The final scenes were created and are fictitious in a hopes to generate a greater impact for the audience. In essence' Life' is based on a true story and as such has the ability to hit home hard.
We hear stories of child abuse every day, what with the Baby Peter case, and the most recent cases of neglect, but we only ever hear from the parents side of the story, never from the child's. 'Life' is put together in a hopes to give people the opportunity to see the child's side of the story, to provide the public with an idea of the effects that abuse can have on children and the consequences of such actions.
The film is aimed at the families, who believe that certain forms of neglect are acceptable. It is designed to provide them with reasons not to partake in this type of behaviour, as it portrays the many different types of abuse, not only beating, but name calling, ignoring, and accusations and the resulting feelings from the child's point of view. 'Life' will provide an educational portal into the many different forms of abuse, as most people would have you believe that there is only one type.
With current issues and investigations into abuse and the ways in which they have been handled, child abuse is a very hot topic at this moment in time, and as such, I believe that this film will have a huge impact on the social economy.
'Life' was influenced by the current state of the child protection system, the stories of members of these teams of professionals not completing their jobs properly and protecting the child. This resulted in memories from my past, of the attempts that I actually made to get away from my family, sometimes through the child protection agencies, which in turn failed to work. Due to this and all the other child abuse cases currently, I thought about writing a book, on my life, but due to my writing skills decided that a film would be more appropriate. As such the idea for 'Life' was created.
My main goal with 'Life' is to help prevent child abuse in any possible way I can, and even if the film only helps make one or two children's lives that much better, then it has accomplished more than I could ask for. From personal experience I know what child abuse can do, and would not wish it on any child.
Currently 'Life' is planned as a 30 minute short film, however, with additional time spent on the script, it could easily be edited into a feature length movie. I do not believe, however, due to the subject matter, and the design of the film, that a feature length movie would be appropriate, and would result in a boring 90 minutes.


We are currently in the process of seeking funding, if you are interested in donating to the process of this film, please visit

From here you will see more infomration, and also have the option to recieve additional benefits for your donation.

I thank you in advance..

Keith appleby