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Stop Child Abuse Forum

We here at Desiree Is Hope want you to always feel free to talk about issues involved in child abuse in some way. This web site is dedicated to stopping child abuse and helping those who endured child abuse in any form to begin or continue healing. We want you to feel safe in talking here in this forum.

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Justice For Children - Harsher Sentencing

Hello there,
I am new to the forum, the reason for my visit and joining is I have seen so many friends abused whilst growing up and I saw them get short prison sentences.
Now I have decided to do something about it. I am founder of Justice For Children this organisation is petitioning for harsher sentences for anyone who abuses or causes the death of a child through murder or manslaughter.
If you abuse a child to death it is called manslaughter and the sentenced has no minimum meaning that they could get away with probation (as I have seen) please take a look at the site, it has hundreds of memorials of murdered children who should have been here today. It also has section on missing childrem, unsolved murders, child found safe and sound and it has an offender register for child abusers who are not on the sex offenders list but are released.
The petition is for Jared's Law, Jared Klein was a boy who will be six forever, he was stabbed, choked, strangled and beaten to death for protecting his mom from being beaten and raped. His killer was not given the harshest punishment available to him. I never want this to happen, Jared was a truly remarkable boy who I love dearly and he is gone whilst his killer is not.
Please check out the site and sign the petition, lets stop releasing these animals to prey on our children. Together we can succeed
Kindest Regards
Teri Evans
Justice For Children