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Stop Child Abuse Forum

We here at Desiree Is Hope want you to always feel free to talk about issues involved in child abuse in some way. This web site is dedicated to stopping child abuse and helping those who endured child abuse in any form to begin or continue healing. We want you to feel safe in talking here in this forum.

Stop Child Abuse Forum
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I need help for my children!

I am writing not for the sake of myself but for my children's sake!
My children's father and myself seperated over 5 years, ago. When we seperated he moved out of state and the children remained with me, at which he was granted summer visits. During these summer visits, things went well, then 3 years later he moved back to my hometown and was given the every other weekend vists. For almost 2 years now our oldest son who is now 12 has been coming home, expressing how his fathers gf has done things such as hit him with a stick, which he claims left a welt, but he choose not to show me because he didn't want to make his dad mad. He has told me numerous times how both his father and his gf, call him names(worthless, troublemaker and etc.) My other son has been kicked by the gf, which left no visable bruise but he says made him cry because it hurt so much. And now the same son that was kicked says he is getting hit on his mouth by his father, but yet again leaving no bruises. I have had close contact with the school counselor and he agrees that at times per what the kids have told him that yes abuse has occured and he has contacted DCF about this. Being that the reports have been occuring for over 1 year I decided it was time I contact the head of DCF and find out why no reports are being followed through with. The head of DCF has made it clear that although they feel bad that until there is a bruise there is nothing she can do. It's all hear say when spoken from a child. My ex, likes to step on the line but knows his boundaries when to stop, and no one will listen. We have been to court for neglect, and visits continued even though it was proven and he was fined for contempt. I have placed my children in counseling and the counselor recently asked my why DCF has not followed through with any reports. Everytime we go into court my ex, says how sorry he is and it will never happen again only to hear it again a bit later when we are back in the court. My eldest is at the point where he says he is scared to go there, and I at this time have nothing I can do to change the visits. I am asking if anyone knows anything of how I can stop the abuse that I feel my children are going through before something very serious happens to them either physically or emotionally! How do I get DCF to listen also?

Re: I need help for my children!

If I was you, and I am not sure what state you are residing, but get the press involved if you can. It seems when the press become involved, the world listena. Also get a hold of your congress representative, your senators, and anyone else that will listen. Contact Bill O'Reilly and Nancy Grace and let them know. Attempt to gain as much publicity as you can. It seems as though it takes a lot sometimes to have CPS, DCFS, DCF do anything to help and in the mean time, the children suffer.

Re: I need help for my children!

You might want to do what I been doing since 1975 from
Donora, Pennsylvania to Portland and Eugene, Oregon of my One Man campaighn on Child Abuse. Yes, I had contacted many senators and congress men across the U.S. and had spoken on many radio programs across the U.S. since 1975 to 2001. Now, my story have been on the computor for over 15 years. My high school friends contacted me and they have spoken of my story. To understand of who I am, you must see and read my web page. It show and tells of what One Person have done on child abuse and of why of my works since 1975. See this works at: