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We here at Desiree Is Hope want you to always feel free to talk about issues involved in child abuse in some way. This web site is dedicated to stopping child abuse and helping those who endured child abuse in any form to begin or continue healing. We want you to feel safe in talking here in this forum.

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Tears of 7yrs for death of Kayla

Hello. Not sure how many actually come here and read because it looks like it's been awhile since the last post....however this concerns child abuse so I feel compelled to share a sad but true story concerning the death of my 7yr old Niece Kayla.

She lived in NC. and she didn't live with her mother-my sister, rather with court appointed Guardians. The way she got there is detailed and would take much time to explain. My family and I don't live in NC. however we had strong suspitions Kayla wasn't being treated well based on what we had witnessed as well as the way she spoke to us on the phone (not like herself) she was frightened and we knew this.

Back in late Aug of 03 she was found by a relative who went there for a visit. She was found with excessive bruising on her little 50lb body. The relative became very concerned and made the drastic decision to take her from NC. back to our State. The short version of this tragity is Kayla was picked up and taken back to NC. where an investigation was SUPPOSE to be done due to the bruises that were found all over her body. She was returned to the Guardians home and they were allowed to keep her there, even with a police report that backed up the pictures of the bruises that were found on her body.

We here had tried numerous times to contact DSS/CPS in her county and make them aware of our concerns for Kayla and that we would be willing and able to take her at any time. They would not comply with us, and refused to so much as send someone to "consider" us as a fit home for her. The Guardians terminated my sisters rights in April of 03 and by August she was dead.

There was never so much as a small article printed up in the local newspaper there in that small community stating this little girl suddenly died. She was healthy and fine on a Friday, and by Sunday she was dead. We have many documents that back up the fact we were trying to get her out of that house she was in before something bad happened to her. We couldn't get to her fast enough. This angers and saddens me terribly. If CPS/DSS would've listened to our pleas as well as taken into consideration the abuse she was enduring Kayla would be alive and well today.

This we strongly believe to be true. They wouldn't listen. The towns Sheriff's dept was even aware of our concerns with pics and documents to back up our concerns...they admitted themselves the bruises weren't consistant with the explaination that was given for them.
Kayla was a beautiful little girl who didn't deserve the treatment she was getting and ultimately having her life taken. There are still no arrests made at this point.

The case is under investigation and there have been documents that were released such as this childs autopsy and the police report. There are many other documents we have kept because we were told we could not take custody of her b/c she had been living with her Guardians for so long.
Everyone who was made aware of this case overlooked the fact that we were trying to get custody of her because of concerns of abuse, not out of meaness. We loved her very much eventhough we couldn't see her very much due to our distance.

People need to be aware of such situations so this can't/doesn't happen to another child. We can't bring Kayla back but we certainly can make people aware of how this happened and how it could've been prevented.

If you wish to see what Kayla looked like got to and look under who murdered Kayla.

I pray for all children who don't have a voice and are being abused that they will be saved before such an awful thing happens to them.


Re: Tears of 7yrs for death of Kayla

Paul's web page at:

'I Was Loved In The Midst Of Suffering'

Paul Marvin McLaughlin
Phone Number
Mailing Address
Stop Child Abuse NOW!
298 Hunington Ave.
Eugene, Oregon 97405-4055
E-Mail Address
Survivor since 1948 TO 1970

Stop CHILD Abuse NOW!
298 Hunington Ave.
Eugene, Orgon 97405-4055

STOP CHILD ABUSE NOW! since 1975 to 2001 from Donora, Pennsylvania
to Portland, and Eugene, Oregon by Paul Marvin McLaughlin.
Paul Marvin McLaughlin and his twin sister Paula were born on October 13,
1948 in Donora, Pennsylvania, and were systematically abused, neglected
and terrorized for more than eighteen years. Paul nearly died twice from
the injuries he suffered as a result of this abuse.
Medical report from Charleroi, Pennsylvania.

Paul's twin sister Paula, passed away
on August 27, 2007 in McKeesport, Pennsylvania at the age of 59 due
to illness with kidney stones since 1975.

Paul spent over 25 years with epilepsy and contol by medication.
In the year of 2001, Paul taken ill with MS. This illness made Paul very ill
and spent over a week at Sacred Heart Hospital in Eugene, Oregon. Paul
had to learn to walk, speaking, and other horrible illness at a rebilitation
program in Eugene, Oregon.

Because of the effects of the abuse he suffered, Paul was placed in the
Special Education track in Donora. Paul graduated from Donora High School
at the age of 21 in 1970. Paul's twin sister graduated from Donora High School
at the age of 18 in 1967.

Paul began his one-man child abuse advocacy campaign, "Help Stop Child
Abuse Now," in 1975. Paul started his campaign in Donora, and has
continued his efforts on behalf of children in Portland and Eugene,
Oregon. And his travels across the U.S. with Public Speeches and Fund Raising.

Paul has told his story on 15 talk-radio programs, a television
commercial, in two magazine articles and many newspaper articles. He has
spoken at open forums in Washington and Oregon, side by side with those
who specialize in child abuse and domestic family violence. He has
volunteered and worked with other non profit organizations. He shows the
people in many communities how to contact proper agencies for assistance
for drug and alcohol abuse, homelessness, runaways, or physical abuse.

Many lives have been changed as the direct result of Paul's advocacy and
his love of children. Let's all work together to Stop Child Abuse Now!
Stop Child Abuse Now!

He's the one who delivers hope. Others have benefited from funds he has
raised forchild abuse programs.

S.C.A.N. is a voice on behalf of Pennsylvania, Washington, and Oregon's
children. An advocate for children and families in the legislature, the
media, and in local communities.

Stop Child Abuse Now is a nonprofit organization dedicated to stopping
child abuse of all forms, and improving the lives of survivors of all
types of abuse and loss.

By speaking out about abuse, we increase the public's awareness of the
prevalence of abuse. Our voices break the silence which causes so much
pain. When we speak out, we help save the lives abused children, and we
also help many adult survivors name the source of chaos in their lives.
Through awareness and education, survivors can

* regain control over their lives
* learn healthy assertiveness
* learn to develop boundaries
* prevent re-victimization

Our goal is to join with other organizations and individuals who wish to
ultimately put a stop to child abuse! We are speaking out for for the
children who have no voice, who have no choice and who have no way of
stopping the violence! We are stepping stones to help, and we are trying
to wake up the world!


Register-Guard Newspaper Story from Donora, Pennsylvania to Oregon:

Mon Valley Pennsylvania, Another Story About Paul and His Works.

SCAR--A Home For Abused Children in Jasper, Oregon by David Ziegler

'I Was Loved In The Midst Of Suffering' True Short Story About Paul Mc...

Stop Child Abuse Now
A nonprofit organization dedicated to stopping child abuse of all forms,
and improving the lives of survivors of all types of abuse and loss.


Re: Tears of 7yrs for death of Kayla

Had spent over 20 years of saving abused children. Had learned that when a child is being abused, that all adults must report the abuse. Us adults are not allow to enter the home of an abusive child. Once we enter that home, than we are creating more harm than good. Had learned that calling the children services is a good way. HOWEVER, these children services programs do not work or perform these task. Many children do end up dead or cripple because no one can do anything to help children who are being abused. To understand more of who I am please see my web page at:
This story is about me and my twin sister who have grown up in Donora, Pennsylvania being severly abused while my older brother and sister have a good life.
I, MYSELF taken revenge of this problem. I'm now at the age of 60 and have so many health problems with epilepsy and MS. I'm now slightly cripple and had to relearn to walk, speak, and so much other ugly problems. Please do see web page and do send me a private email to help you to learn what child abuse is realy about and what to do to bring an end of this big problems for children.
Paul M. McLaughlin
Stop Child Abuse NOW!
298 Hunington Ave.
Eugene, Oregon 97405-4055

Re: Tears of 7yrs for death of Kayla

Nice post about the child abuse...This will give the worst situation of children in any country.
Drug Addiction Treatment

Re: Tears of 7yrs for death of Kayla

Nice post...Thanks for your postings...
Drug Addiction Treatment

Re: Tears of 7yrs for death of Kayla

Have been watching the news cast about Kayla and many other children who are dead or crippled from some source of childhood abuse. Maybe all of us are to be blamed for the horrible events in a child life. WHY? So many neighbors and friends knows a child is being abused or beaten for no reason. What do we do about it when we hear and see this in our neighborhood? Not a thing. We the people should be placed in jail because we refuse to help a child. I'm a handicapped from 20 years of severe abuse and I have done much works of helping children. Read and see this web page and you decide if Paul did something good in his life just because of his own childhood life.

Paul M. McLaughlin
Stop Child Abuse NOW!
298 Hunington
Eugene, Oregon 97405

Re: Tears of 7yrs for death of Kayla