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Entertaining Angels

Entertaining Angel’s

Let me entertain you........................ let me make you smile!

I wake up today with an angel in my ear, singing this child like tune. I realize at

times I tend to take up the whole stage and forget all the little angels in my sky.

Orphan Annie sing for me, Shirley Temple smile.

Dorothy Gail and all the rest, take the stage a while!

We crave attention as little girls and when we are grown nothing really changes.

The center of the universe is our ultimate goal and applause sure makes us smile.


What about the little ones in ragged tattered jeans,

Girls with dirty faces and broken torn up dreams?

What about the 3 year old, who sits inside her corner,

Just like Cinderella, who has no prince adorn her?

What about the little girls with frozen tears and fingers,

Who live in other countries, where no one stops to linger?

What about the other kids who have no stage at all,

A cardboard box, a shopping cart, but no one home to call.

What about the runaway, who stands upon the corner,

Turns a trick at 17 the applause is when he scorns her?

What about the angels, who no one ever sees,

Will you stop to linger as Satan bends their knees?

Entertaining angels is what life's all about,

Stop, oh won’t you listen when little angels bow?

Can you hear them calling, they whisper quaint and fair, resting in God sweet embrace, I hear the angels there and oh won’t you listen, and on your knees might fall Little angel kisses.........entertaining all.

by Diana Hughey