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Re: Prayer Request.

Sister Gladys,

Your daughter and your family are in our prayers.

Prayerfully Yours,

Brother Lester

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Replying to:

Hello everyone.

I'm sorry not to have posted in so long, but we have been dealing with a crisis here and am requesting your prayers.

My 15 year old daughter, Lindsay, was sexually assaulted at school a few days ago. She is a tough little girl and is taking it pretty well, but only time will tell what damage this has done to her psychologically. I am getting her counseling immediately, of course. We are having some trouble with the police, though. The attack happened in an area of the school which is monitored by camera, and the video cameras did not pick it up for some reason. I know with absolute certainty that my daughter is not lying about the attack, but we are having trouble getting evidence.

Please pray for healing for my daughter and for the necessary evidence to turn up so that we can seek justice for her.

In Christ,

Gladys Smith