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kitykity's Javascript Photo Album Discussion Board

This forum is for users to ask questions or each other, swap ideas, and for kitykity to post information on the javascript photo album!

kitykity's Javascript Photo Album Discussion Board
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Can't get it to work

I downloaded the zip file and made all the necessary changes to add the album to my site. No matter what I do however I can't get any of the pictures to show up and no categories are available. I'm completely stumped as to what I did wrong.
Could anyone lend a helping hand?

Re: Can't get it to work

Here is a few lines I posted up with my album. It should be helpful with the basics of getting things going. Really all you have to do is copy and paiste the lines into there respective place and follow some simple instructions.

Re: Re: Can't get it to work

I can't see what the lines were that you tried to post, but with Susan's help I've got it working pretty well now. I just have an issue with scrolling on the page and the javascript kind of freezing to fix now.