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kitykity's Javascript Photo Album Discussion Board

This forum is for users to ask questions or each other, swap ideas, and for kitykity to post information on the javascript photo album!

kitykity's Javascript Photo Album Discussion Board
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Images / Thumbnails

A bunch of things here:

I am curious how difficult it would be to instead of having 1 thumbnail on a page, but say, to have 4. Or, even better, to have different "templates" around each one, much like a traditional album.

I am looking into writing a MS Access application to handle the creation of the .js file.. has anyone else offered any similar utilities? Is there a standard "header" that I could incorporate into the output file to honor your copyright?

In addition, I have modified the album to support different file extensions for thumbnails vs. image files; But I think the directory support is broke; I beleive there is some hardcoding in the javascript that I haven't tweaked out yet.. Is there a future modification that will allow the album functionality to be more variable, to support other scenarios?
(ie, img/thumb source directory(s), extension types, etc.) (The images for the last two weeks posted have not had their descriptions updated, but the images are there.. )
